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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 9:19am | IP Logged Quote Timestar

Just read the news re Forged From Faith.

Will it only be available from iTunes or will there be other outlets?

As a personal preference i don't use iTunes

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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 10:02am | IP Logged Quote Banksy

Yep, most other download services release 'Forged' on 24th October including (UK):

Sony Connect
DJ Download
Karma Download


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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 1:07pm | IP Logged Quote Timestar

Will there be a CD release?

Why can't we buy from webshop?

Excuse my ignorance but never used download services - what bit rates are offered?


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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 1:11pm | IP Logged Quote Noel

I'm with you Dave, what would I do with an I tune, I don't have a player, I don't understand this technology, maybe I'm too old.

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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 1:50pm | IP Logged Quote Vulpine

If you have Windows media player, you should be able to download it to your PC, then cut it to CD to play on your out-dated technology

Alternatively, get a Zen player (or any suitable MP3 player) and hook it up to your PC to get hours and hours of portable listening pleasure. It changed my life..

Remember to say please and thank you. That way, you'll get more..
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 2:11pm | IP Logged Quote Noel

play on your out-dated technology

I noticed on the news today that an American company has come up with a wind up computer. Well I suppose they could log on to this site as it is full of wind ups! Maybe Chloe could make a wind up cake?

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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 2:13pm | IP Logged Quote Noel

Sorry Mr Banks, first page of the subject and we have strayed off (I have strayed off).

Tell your friends about the download and lets get the music out there.

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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 3:15pm | IP Logged Quote Timestar

No I am just not a mac fan!

I have a nice MP3 player albeit CD based much better than those silly iPod shuffle things (glorified memory stick) my daughter has one (not impressed).

Starflight has a Creative Muvo Slim - not Bad.

I shall be purchasing a Creative Zen soon though D.V. but i still prefer to have original kosher recording on disc as back up - you know what happens to computers.

Edited by Timestar
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 4:08pm | IP Logged Quote Banksy

The easiest route to make a CD from the download is probably iTunes. It works fine on PC as well as the Mac. The integration with the on-line store enables you to do just quickly acquire the really high quality audio file(s) for the 79p per track. You can then group the tracks you want to burn in a folder and easily burn an Audio (or MP3) CD.

Here is the help from iTunes:

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences, then click the Burning tab at the top of the window.
  2. Choose Audio CD as the Disc Format.
  3. To have all the songs on the CD play at the same volume level, select the Sound Check checkbox.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select the playlist containing the songs you want to burn to the CD, and make sure all the songs you want to include on the CD have a checkmark beside them.

    You can only burn a CD from the songs in an iTunes playlist (you cannot use a playlist on your iPod), and only checked songs are included. For instructions on creating a playlist, search help for "creating lists of songs."

  6. Click the Burn Disc button in the upper-right corner of the iTunes window.
  7. Insert a blank CD-R disc and click Burn Disc again.

    If you plan to play the CD on a consumer CD player, you need to use a blank CD-R disc. If you plan to play the CD only on your computer, you can also use a CD-RW disc.

    If the playlist contains more songs than will fit on the CD, iTunes will burn as many songs as will fit on one disc, then ask you to insert another disc to continue burning the remaining songs. (You can see the size of the selected playlist at the bottom of the iTunes window.)

    If the playlist contains any songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store, you can only burn the playlist seven times.

    If the playlist contains songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store and includes a very long song (longer than a CD), you may see a dialog telling you that you need to put the long song in its own playlist, and then burn that single-song playlist separately.

    If the playlist includes Audible spoken word content with chapter markers, the chapters are burned as separate tracks.

Hope that helps a bit!



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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 6:28pm | IP Logged Quote Timestar


What bit rate is the download 96/128kbps?

I encode all my MP3s to 192kbps as a minimum any thing less doesn't hit the spot for me.

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