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Posted: 19 November 2010 at 9:19am | IP Logged Quote StickyT

Ahoy thar me hearties.  Now settin sail for old Kingston Town. Let's hope they've never known a night like it arrrgh!!

pieces of 80F, pieces of 80F

All aboard the Skylark!

Big smileBig smile


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Posted: 19 November 2010 at 11:26am | IP Logged Quote NeilC

Is there a support act tonight?

Can't wait!


Open the gates of the city! (Why?)
Open the gates of the city! (Why?)
Look, just open the *** gates will you?
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Posted: 21 November 2010 at 10:50pm | IP Logged Quote Seagull

Friday Nov 19 2010

Wafted “By the Power of Easy Jet,” (almost as entertaining as the almost eponymous song,) the royal residence of Mersea Island, not to mention Westcliffe and Southend on Sea, the (last) resort of busking musicians eking out a living, passed all but unnoticed, miles beneath, as the plane commenced the descent into Gatwick. On the port side, the “Garden of England” was laid out in it’s entirety below us, the sporadic fog lying like patches of ruffled melting snow below a clear, sunny sky.   Despite promises of fog and near-freezing temperatures at our destination, it was warming sun that greeted us upon disembarkation. The welcome became warmer still once, after two faultless changes on the rail network, I arrived at the sweeping drive of “Lockwood Villas”, that was to be my place of hospitality for the night.

Auspiciously, the visiting Dutch, South African Ambassador to Swaziland, L.B. had just arrived, and with the further unexpected arrival shortly after, of a jobbing drummer looking for a gig, calling himself T.T., the party was complete. Ms Z clothed us in fine linen (T shirts), emblazoned with strange and wonderful designs, then banished us to the comfort of the guest lounge, where we were lovingly applied with coffee and Earl Grey Tea, and smoked chicken sandwiches which we greatly appreciated, whilst silken cats rubbed past our knees.

We were made to watch a film of ethnic (ethnic to somewhere) music of an extravagant nature, from a band that, it turned out, were playing that evening in the vicinity. Due to a minor misunderstanding on the part of  the Dutch Ambassador, L.B., there was a “sticky” moment when the aforementioned asked T.T. if he attended all of this bands concerts. Inspired by this notion, however, T.T. resolved to set off immediately for neighbouring Kingston to see if he could indeed offer his services, and kindly offered to take L.B. and myself along as well, for moral support and free roadie service.

Well, not only did he get his gig, but what an evening it was! Songs with a romping energy were occasionally interspersed with quieter numbers, to rest tired limbs and fingers. At times, the lead singer appeared quite agitated, even departing the stage on occasions, possibly feeling threatened by the lively antics going on in the front of the audience, which at times looked like developing into a surge onto the stage. T:T: certainly proved his own worth on the sticks, underpinning the whomping bass, the tightly fluid guitar, and the cosmic synthesizer tones that earmarked many of the numbers played. As  a sign of appreciation, he was duly sent to Coventry by the band.

It turns out, the band were something big thirty years ago, even seminal in the 70’s (although some look suspiciously young for that…). They certainly still went down well in Kingston on the 19th , judging by audience enthusiasm before and after the show

It was great to be there, to make friendships more real, as well as enjoying the music first hand. Thank you to all who inspired it, welcomed us, or who were just nice. J Oh, the band’s name..?  You know it!  Its on the tip of your tongue!  Just open your mouth  and let the words come:  “We are ….. … …. !”

Edited by Seagull - 21 November 2010 at 10:51pm

... need some time to think.
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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 11:38am | IP Logged Quote mike_1stgear

yer i thought it was very good as well and a good turn out this time

and i liked the support band
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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 5:24pm | IP Logged Quote Seagull

Mr Ist Gear, where on earth were you? What do you look like? Did I talk to you???You weren't going crazy in the front row were you? Ididn't see any mud/blood-spattered, wirey types who looked as though they'd come through an assault course.

Glad you enjoyed it, even if you prefer to remain mysterious.

... need some time to think.
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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 5:45pm | IP Logged Quote dominion

Mike was seen trying to get out of 1st gear with the beautifully dressed female singer from the 1st band at the bar in the break,.....hence his lack of circulation!!!!....

Rob you should try hotpants next gig see if you have the same effect on women!

Top night ......really enjoyed meeting everyone( forum members even more georgious than I had imagined ) Nice to put names to the faces.

Amazing performance from the band.......really felt like an 18 year old again during some of the numbers.ABSOLUTELY BUZZING in the crowd. 

Nice t shirt,nice candles,nice merch seller(good night for children in need and candle sales?)

Great venue as well..............Loved it. 

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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 6:55pm | IP Logged Quote Michael

Hi folks, My first post, but as promoter of the Kingston show I would like to thank all those who attended. It indeed was a great show. Usually I'm too busy handling other problems to see my own show but on this occasion did manage to!

Thanks to ATF for being brilliant on the night (and keeping the dressing rooms clean!) and the co-operation and support of their management and AFC Wimbledon for the venue.

The support was from Ludwig Amadeus, they will be releasing a couple of singles soon so if anybody wants to keep posted just let me know.

All the best
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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 11:08pm | IP Logged Quote Seagull

dominion wrote:

Mike was seen trying to get out of 1st gear with the beautifully dressed female singer from the 1st band

I didn't notice her dressed in an awfull lot, but she played a good shakey egg, and sang well.

Edited by Seagull - 22 November 2010 at 11:09pm

... need some time to think.
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Posted: 22 November 2010 at 11:16pm | IP Logged Quote Seagull

Michael wrote:
Usually I'm too busy handling other problems to see my own show but on this occasion did manage to!

Thanks to ATF for being brilliant on the night (and keeping the dressing rooms clean!)

Well, they've obviously calmed down a bit since their heady days, when they trashed hotel rooms (see confession on "Radio Sessions" sleeve!) If you can survive "wild West Show" without Rob demolishing something, then you're probably safe ;-)

... need some time to think.
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Posted: 23 November 2010 at 4:59pm | IP Logged Quote Michael

Seagull wrote:


Well, they've obviously calmed down a bit since their heady days, when they trashed hotel rooms (see confession on "Radio Sessions" sleeve!) If you can survive "wild West Show" without Rob demolishing something, then you're probably safe ;-)

Oh I don't know, give 'em a cup of tea and they're like pussy cats


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