Posted: 21 May 2009 at 8:33pm | IP Logged
Wow... Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic........Loved it, loved it, loved it !

Only saw the original AFT line up once, which just happened to be the last show they did at the Dominion. So it is really good to hear them again on CD.
Have played it twice since I got home from work, at full volume (unfortunately for my neighbours !), there is so much energy in it. Never heard a live version of Suspended Animation before, it had me jumping around the kitchen !
Its not for playing quietly, turn the volume up and blast it out. Its hard to pick a favourite track because they all sound so good. My all time favourites Life in the City and Sailing Ship sound brill (am currently having a boogie on my chair while writing this !). Oh yeah, loooooooooooooove Life in the City.
Anyone else got comments on this fantastic CD ?!
There are nice tributes to Pete King from John, Andy and Mr Banksy on the sleeve.
There is a downside to this CD though...... All that energy makes me want to do house work !!!! 
Ok Banksy, that pic of you in the xray specs............. Don't get upset but reminded me of that Gok, whats his name guy, from the fashion programmes !!!! 
Hey people, if you haven't ordered a copy of the CD, do it now, your won't regret it !
Zippy signing off 
PS: Did I mention that I love it ?!
__________________ Say what you like I think you're one in a million.
Zippy loves ATF.