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Joined: 10 December 2009
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Posted: 26 January 2014 at 5:52pm | IP Logged Quote Seagull

I feel as though I came  to the forum when it was on a real highWacko, 4 or 5 years ago. There were many interesting discussions and sharings of musical interest, not just limited to ATF, yet in some form or another related. Thanks to this my music tastes have considerably broadened in ways that otherwise would not have happened. There was a lot of histrical information to be had about the group (from living memory!), and quite a buzz surrounding the live performances that were considerably more frequent then, by comparison. Friendships were formed which later consolidated at concerts, and there was a lot of good feeling, humour, and well-natured fellowship (to use an old fashioned term).

For all these things I am very grateful, and can only attribute them to the forum. Facebook has never replaced the forum; the latter has quite a different character!
However, it is quite clear that the once bubbling flow of the forum, that would every night be worth a look-in, has now dried up to less than a trickle. The various reasons for this have been identified above. In some ways it reflects the band's own activity as ATF (the members are still otherwise active), which has diminished, after their very welcome, surprising and worthwhile reincarnation over the past ten years. I don't know if they will play again, but it's been GOOD

I cannot see the value of maintaining the forum under these circimstances, if it's a financial issue. Maybe a limited website could be maintained with resource material and internet links. If certain fans have no intention of using Facebook to keep up to date on anything new, is there some kind of Twitter link, or something they do use?

So that's my ha'penny's worth. Thankyou ATF Forum!

^^^^  Seagull

... need some time to think.
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Joined: 28 June 2006
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Posted: 03 February 2014 at 5:21pm | IP Logged Quote dominion

Hi All,

Seems a shame as I personally don't trust/believe or agree in the ethics and motivation behind Facebook and Twitter. Not to mention where their profits are  invested.

 Maybe my e mail address could be kept and perhaps a newsletter/any gig info could be sent to me that way as I would hate to lose touch completely?

Cheers and love to everyone forever.xxxxxxxxxx   

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