Posted: 31 May 2005 at 4:10pm | IP Logged
Can I add my congratulations to the organisers of the FUN event yesterday?
I think it achieved what it set out to do in that it was a fun event. It didnt have the sheer raw emotion of Greenbelt, but it wasnt meant to and I hope the band enjoyed it as much as we did.
I managed to bring three extra "friends" to the event from Leeds, Nottingham and Princes Risborough respectively, but fairplay to the guy from New Zealand, top effort mate!
The interview and quiz were good entertainment, although a bit slower on the questions next time please! Thanks for the efforts you put into making these parts happen. 
The buffet was top notch and worth more than a fiver in its own right, many thanks again cos we were hungry! 
The gig was great and some great humour, finishing Laser Love with "that'll do", nice one Keith 
The real highlights for me were the new material: One rule for you was brilliant, mind you I dont know if the drummers appreciated doing the 12 inch version in the encore, that had to hurt!
Forged from faith sounded great, but top song of the night for me was Wildflower with its U2'esque overtones, it was stunning.
I'll post separately about the DVD (looks great), and I look forward to seeing ATF in the charts next month, roll on the Summer gigs.
Thanks again to everybody's efforts,